Closing ceremony of the TAMA project

Tunisian Automotive Association was delighted to welcome its new continuing professional training project “Tunisian Automotive Management Academy #TAMA” following the handover of the project by BBW, during the closing ceremony co-organized by the two parties and supported by the special training and employment initiative “Invest for Jobs” within the framework of the project “Partnerships for employment and support for small and medium-sized enterprises in Tunisia” implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.

The president of the TAA, Mr. Nabhen BOUCHAALA, was delighted to participate in the opening of this ceremony enhanced by the presence of the two vice-presidents Mr. Imed CHARFEDDINE and Mrs. Myriam ELLOUMI, the members of the TAA from the automotive sector and his worthy partners from the AHK: Mr. Ibrahim DEBECHE and Mr. Jörn BOUSSELMI and from AAAM; Mr. David COFFEY and Victoria Victoria BACKHAUS-JERLINi who all wanted to testify to the success of the first phase and the continuity of this project within the Academy with the participation of:

  • Mr. Volker FALCH, Director of International Relations, BBW GmbH
  • Mr Fritz JUNG, Head of Cooperation at the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany
  • Mr. Felix SARRAZIN, Project Manager “Partnerships for employment and support for small and medium-sized enterprises in Tunisia”, GIZ

A presentation of the team and the expert trainers was given by Ms. Monika STAERK, Head of the TAMA project within BBW and moderated by Ms. Olfa KHELIL, Expert Trainer of the TAMA.
The ceremony was finally closed by the testimony of the participating companies and a speech by Mrs. Henda REKIK, President of the HR-Social & Training Commission as well as Mrs. Mariem MEJRI, Executive Director of TAMA.
A project handover agreement has been signed between the three partners.

Par admin
November 29, 2022

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