Launch of the Automotive Sector Repository and Dashboard

Tunisian Automotive Association (TAA) is proud to announce its participation in the successful launch of the Automotive and Aerospace Sector Repository and Dashboard, a joint initiative of the Agency for the Promotion of Industry and Innovation (APII) in partnership with the TAA and the Groupement des Industries Tunisiennes Aéronautiques et Spatiales (GITAS).

The event took place on Friday, June 2, 2023, at the headquarters of the Tunisian Union of Industry, Trade, and Crafts (UTICA), with the support of GIZ.

This significant event was honored by the presence of the Minister of Economy and Development, Mr. Samir SAIED, the Director-General of Manufacturing Industries within the Ministry of Industry, Mr. Fathi SAHLAOUI, the Director-General of APII, Mr. Omar BOUZOUAD, the President of UTICA, Mr. Hichem ELLOUMI, the President of TAA, Mr. Nabhen BOUCHAALA, the Vice-President of GITAS, Mr. Islam BENMBAREK, and the Project Manager for “Employment Partnerships and Support for Small and Medium Enterprises in Tunisia” (GIZ), Mr. Felix SARRAZIN.

Lancement du référentiel

This initiative is part of the Competitiveness Pact for the automotive sector, signed in July 2023 under the auspices of the Prime Minister, aiming for a collaborative effort between the public and private sectors and a shared vision of a prosperous and competitive automotive and aerospace industry. It is supported within the framework of the special initiative “Decent Jobs for a Just Transition” through the project “Partnerships for Employment and Support to Small and Medium Enterprises in Tunisia II,” mandated by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented by GIZ Tunisia in close cooperation with the Tunisian Ministry of Industry, Mines, and Energy.

The Automotive and Aerospace Sector Repository and Dashboard are crucial tools that will provide valuable and up-to-date data on these two major industries in Tunisia. They will enable key stakeholders such as companies, investors, and policymakers to access strategic information and performance indicators, allowing them to make informed decisions and promote sustainable growth.

The TAA, in close collaboration with APII and GITAS, played a crucial role in the design, data collection, and implementation of these two tools. As the representative association of the Tunisian automotive sector, the TAA contributed its expertise and experience to ensure the relevance and suitability of these instruments to the sector’s needs.

Lancement du référentiel

The launch of the Automotive and Aerospace Sector Repository and Dashboard represents a significant milestone in promoting the automotive and aerospace industry in Tunisia. These tools will enhance transparency, competitiveness, and operational efficiency of businesses while fostering an ecosystem conducive to innovation and growth.

TAA would like to extend heartfelt gratitude to all the partners involved in making this event a success, particularly APII, GITAS, the Ministry of Industry, and GIZ, for their invaluable support.

Par admin
June 6, 2023

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