The automotive industry benchmark to enable the calculation of new indicators for the automotive sector

On the occasion of the launch of the benchmark, we went to meet Mrs. Fatma Kolsi, consulting manager at Ernst and Young to discuss the benchmark for the automotive sector which was launched a few weeks ago, which was carried out in cooperation with the EBRD, the EU and the TAA, to give a little more visibility on the value chain of the automotive industry in Tunisia.

What is the purpose of this reference?

The idea of ​​this repository project is to allow anyone wishing to obtain information on the automotive sector in Tunisia, to have a source of reliable data that consolidates a set of indicators of different kinds, including investors.

How was the collaboration with the TAA, with the EBRD and the EU?

It is a close collaboration throughout the project with the various stakeholders therefore the European bank, the European Union, and the TAA, without forgetting all the public institutions in particular the INS, the FIPA, the API , the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mines who helped us to retrieve the information.

On the one hand, I am lucky to have already carried out a mission with the TAA, since we are also collaborating within the framework of the development of the Pact for the Competitiveness of the automotive industry. This Pact is supported by the Ministry of Industry under the high patronage of the Presidency of the Government, and which we hope will be signed in the coming weeks and which aims to set strategic objectives for the sector by 2025. 

On the other hand, the European Union and the European Construction and Development Bank are also privileged clients for us as EY. Indeed, we work in parallel on several missions with them and they are very present players, in terms of support for priority industries in Tunisia, including the automotive industry.


What will the standard bring to the automotive industry sector in Tunisia?

First of all, it will make it possible to have a single source of information which will bring together all the players in the industry, and to give a structured image of the value chain with specific indicators directly entered by the manufacturers themselves. .

The data will therefore be more reliable, thus making it possible to calculate new indicators for the automotive sector on a large scale and as the reference system expands.

Today, for example, we only know how to estimate the integration rate of the sector in Tunisia, in the long term we hope that when the reference system has been completed by the majority of the actors, we will be able to have a more detailed knowledge of this indicator.

Or, another example, better estimate the carbon footprint which today is little known by small operators in the sector, we hope that in the long term they will be able to communicate indicators as precise as this one.

These indicators are important today, in the investment decisions of international operators and manufacturers.

Is the confidentiality of sensitive data guaranteed by the repository?

When you go to the TAA website, the directory is available online and it is possible to view the files of several companies that have been completed by the companies themselves.

You should know that this data is published by companies when they register, it is only data that they have agreed to make public.

There is a placeholder for each company and only part of the information is made public, the other part is only visible to the company itself, and used by the TAA at the association level at a macro level to convey indicators relating to the entire sector.

Confidentiality is guaranteed, at no time is this data, which is indicated as “non-public”, communicated to other operators other than the company itself or the TAA.

Automotive manufacturers fill out your company profile by clicking on the following link:

March 23, 2022

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